Monday, December 16, 2013

Just turn the page!

It is a child's instinct. Give them a book, they will want to turn the page. You may not have finished the sentence on that page, and you probably had not even read the first word. But like clockwork, that little one nestled in your lap eagerly turned the page and your words were violently terminated as you attempted to keep up with their speedy pace. Of course the illustrations on each page are exciting in themselves. However, I do not believe that the corresponding stories are ignored by those small ears. They want to know what happens next. That, is also human nature. Especially that of a child, considering that they are ALWAYS asking questions.

Growing up, I read the classic childhood fairytales. Cinderella, The Nutcracker, any Disney story, you name it, I've read it. Then there were the Dr. Seuss riddles. Don't forget, Shel Silverstein. I'm sure this is surprising to those of you who have heard me proclaim numerous times that I hate to read. But I assure you, I am telling the truth. I was once that (obnoxious at the time) big-personality, 'I know what I want', 'my way or the highway' gal who spastically flipped the page before my sister could spit out the first word. And I am still that person, but in a different sense. 

I hear it daily. If not directed towards me, it is to someone else. "You are entering another chapter of your life." "Turn the page." Life's adventures are often referred to as "chapters". Each chapter holds a new beginning, a new atmosphere, a new cluster of characters, a new obstacle for the main character. And I can proudly announce that I have successfully made it through numerous chapters in my life that have led me to the greatest and most exciting yet, the real world. 

So please, just turn the page! To my new chapter, my new adventure, and those that are to follow. I can hardly wait to discover the plan that God has for me. Where will I live? Who will I meet? What will my last name be in ten years? (Hopefully, something different.) What kind of mark will I make on this Earth? That's a lot of questions. I am well aware. And there are an endless possibilities of answers for each question and the dozens more that are streaming through my brain at the moment. BUT! There is one answer for each of those questions that has my name signed next to it. And it has been that way since the very beginning. There is a bibliography with my name as the title that is waiting to be fulfilled.  I may have my own. But taking a glance at the bigger picture, it is only a chapter in the greatest book, written by the One who is the author of all lives. You have a chapter in that book too. As well as your sister, and her friend, and her cousin, and her husband, and so on. 

Turn your page. And watch with me as I turn mine. 

(picture thanks to Amy Marcy of Coastline Imagery)


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