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Unfortunately, it has been a long time since I've written. Too long. And if you were to ask me why, I probably would wait a few seconds to answer your question and even then it probably wouldn't be a solid answer. So when consulting Libby (a really close friend of mine) on what to write about next, it didn't take her long to respond with a single word that is exactly what my summer has revolved around. Forgiveness. Also known as a life lesson that has been brewing inside of me but I was just too prideful to admit it. She knows me so well. She knows what I have experienced, and what was needed to put those things behind me. Forgiveness. I just love that girl.
I feel as though this word isn't used enough these days. People resort to bottling their feelings up and tucking them away or holding grudges for the rest of their lives. And when it is, it's used in a light manor that does not provide justice to the overwhelming peace this word brings. As usual, I consulted my best friend, the online dictionary, and discovered that forgiveness is a verb that means to "stop feeling angry or resentful toward someone for an offense, flaw, or mistake." I'm not sure how that makes you feel, but it makes me feel pretty guilty. Guilty because there are people in my life whom I have built an abundant amount of resent and anger towards because of things they have done. Just like it says. Common sense would tell me to forgive them. And then usually I would respond with saying "it's easier said than done." True statement.
This is when the golden rule comes into my mind. "Treat others how you want to be treated." If I make a mistake, I surely do not want someone to look down on me or hate me for the rest of my life because of that mistake. (I know what you're thinking. There is not a mistake that is unforgivable. Every mistake is always forgivable and rarely excused from our memories forever.)
So what's so hard about reciprocating that to the people in our life who deserve it most? We especially need to forgive each other. Because when you intend to forgive, you heal part of the pain. But when you forgive, you heal completely. It is not an act that benefits only the one receiving it. You will probably receive more from it considering the fact that it has the potential to mean absolutely nothing to the taker. For it is a deed designed for those with strength. "Steady is the hand that comes to terms with the lessons it has had to learn."
Don't for one second think that this is a piece of cake for me too. I have struggled with this for far too long. But like I said before, this summer has opened doors, windows, and any other crevice in my life that has been filled with resentment. Those spaces are now vacant. My anger has been evicted and I am beginning to move in with things that only put a smile on my face.
Contrary to what society tells us most of the time, this IS something you should try at home. I dare you.
Thank you for sharing this Lili. Forgiveness definitely heals the one forgiving, then when we take it step further and pray for those who have hurt or used us like Jesus told us to do we actually expand the kingdom of God! By blessing those who have hurt us we open them up to receive the grace of God.
ReplyDeleteMarcus shared this from a Joyce Meyer devotional:
"Making a Decision to Forgive
When someone hurts us, we often react as though that individual has stolen from us. We feel that they owe us, yet God wants us to let it go.
If we refuse to forgive, what hope do we have of receiving what we need? To receive from God what He has promised in His Word, we must obey Him, regardless of how difficult it may be. We must forgive.
The greatest deception that Satan has perpetuated in the area of forgiveness is the idea that if our feelings have not changed, we have not truly forgiven. When you decide to forgive someone, don't let the devil convince you that because you still have the same feelings, you have not really forgiven the person.
You can make the right decision to forgive and not "feel" any differently. That's when faith steps in. You have done your part, now wait on God. He will do His part and heal your emotions, make you whole, and change your feelings toward the person who hurt you.
Prayer Starter: Lord, I choose to forgive those who have hurt me. I release them from their debt, in Jesus' name. Heal my heart and make me whole."
And this one also by Joyce Meyer really got to me Lili and convicted me of how I've fallen short of expanding the Kingdom of God...
ReplyDelete"Setting Your Enemies Free
When dealing with past hurts, we all know that it's right to forgive, even when it's difficult. However, few of us rarely take the next step that God wants us to take.
A common misconception is that all we have to do is make the decision to forgive and our job is finished, but Jesus also said, "Invoke blessings upon and pray for the happiness of those who curse you, implore God's blessing (favor) upon those who abuse you [who revile, reproach, disparage, and high-handedly misuse you]" (Luke 6:28 AMP). In addition, Romans 12:14 says that we are to bless the people who persecute us and treat us cruelly.
We are to actively bless our enemies. God calls us to extend mercy to people who do not deserve it. Why?
When you forgive, it opens a door for God to heal you, but honestly, it doesn't do much for the person who offended you. But when you bless them, you ask God to bring truth to them so they can repent and experience the real freedom He provides. Forgiveness sets you free...blessing your enemies sets them free.
Prayer Starter: God, I thank You for helping me walk in forgiveness, but I don't want to stop there. I ask You to bless those who have hurt me. In the same way that You have brought healing to my life, bring healing to them so they can experience Your goodness and walk in Your love."