Saturday, January 11, 2014

Today's Someday

Somehow I managed to cruise through the holidays with the bare minimum of blogging (meaning none).  I could proclaim that I was busy with family or just plain busy. But that would be a lie. I have not been doing much of anything lately. Which, of course, has given me plenty of time to think.

I have inevitably been launched into my final semester of my high school career. It feels just as weird to type as I'm sure it sounds. Six months from now I will no longer be dealing with a dress code penalty or my lack of knowledge concerning my locker combination. As much as I despise those two things, my life will not be it's usual disorganized, spontaneous, sometimes-bending-the-rules self. And based on my choice of descriptive words chosen to identify my current status of life, I will most likely be better off without them. Seeing that they only add to the madness. That is, the type of madness with no method.

The chaos of adolescent life exits, and enters….more madness. "What? Did you think this was going to be a smooth ride", says Life. No, no, no. I am not that naive. A life filled with graceful events and only pleasant life experiences, would result in an individual who was unable to see the world surrounding their rose-smelling, blue-skied bubble. And who wants that? "Not I" says the anxious seventeen-year-old. Throw me a curve ball every once in a while. Grant me with a perfect rain storm as I am sprinting to make it to class on time. For it is on those days, in the moments when I cannot imagine things being any worse, that I will remember times where the sun could not have shone any brighter and the smile on my face could not have stretched any farther. The day that I do not step out of my dorm room due to the sobbing sky, will be the day that I reflect on what an amazing life I have lived (so far) and all the life that is left to live. And then, just as quickly as you and I can blink, it will be ten years later and I will be rocking a precious baby to sleep in my arms as I listen to the rain fall outside the window of MY home. I will reminisce back to the day in the dorm. You get the point. It is the oldest story in the book. One day, you are seventeen and you're planning for someday and all that it will hold. And then quietly, without you're ever really noticing that anything has changed, someday becomes today. And then that someday is yesterday. And this is your life. However many years in the making, it is the life that you have created for yourself.

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