Hey there! It has been entirely too long since we talked last. But I am to blame for that. I have been so consumed by the excitement of this new chapter that I have whole-heartedly thrown myself into. That is, a chapter that has already shown itself capable of making me happier than I could ever imagine.
Graduation was liberating.
Besides the feeling of accomplishment in regards to academics, there were so many areas in my life that I was able to release from my grasp. Most of which had a demise that was long overdue. Nowadays, one could not find a single collared shirt in my closet if they tried. My green and white student ID has found its home in a box of items that I will piddle through years from now and swear that my "awkward stage" was worse than any other. And as awful as this sounds, the relationships in my life that were connected only through my class schedule have disintegrated to almost nothing. Surprisingly, that does not bother me. After attending my college orientation, it is now very evident that my view of the world according to my small seaside town is only a miniscule preview for what is to come.
I stand in the middle ground between childhood and a series of exhilarating events that will soon begin to define the type of person I will become. From this point on, some of the relationships that I create will be those that will last a lifetime. I will commence a repertoire of my life lessons that I will preach to my own children in a matter of time. The uncertainty of the rest of my life is so very enticing.