Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Bring the Rain

I stumbled across a scripture today that really echoed in my head. Although only a mere seven words, it encompasses just enough to form goosebumps on my arms.

"He will come to us like rain." -Hosea 6:3

Ironically enough, there was a consistent rainfall for the majority of the day. And if you did not already know this about me, I am as much of a pluviophile as a person could be. That is, someone who finds joy and a peace of mind during rainy days.  There is an overwhelming feeling of serenity when I hear the lull of raindrops gathering outside my window. And even though the morning stroll to class was a bit brisk, the soft mist that fell on my head en route was not in the least bit inconvenient. After discovering this scripture, the thought crossed my mind that maybe, just maybe, I am so fond of these so-called somber days because of this very reason. "He will come to us like rain." The more I say it, and the more I read that statement, the more I am certain that this is the underlying reason as to why I find comfort in crying skies.



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