Friday, July 25, 2014

I have a sister

I have a sister. 

Before the thought of my existence pranced through my parents brains, they brought my sister, Jennie, into the world. And boy am I glad they did. 

 She is beautiful. And when I say beautiful, I mean quadruple-take beautiful. The kind of gorgeous that reaches far beneath the surface and reflects that of which her heart is made.

She is a supporter. As I sifted through old memories and messages signed at the bottom of cards (I am a bit of a hoarder when it comes to cards), Jennie's encouraging words were always present. Not to mention that each  month of my senior year of high school, she sent a bundle of cards that she had crafted from magazine clippings and inspirational quotes. Each card was labeled with a date, and I was not to read the card until that day. Yes, I have 180 cards in the dash of my car. She is THAT thoughtful. 

She is a mom. I have been blessed with an ample amount of time to watch her with Everly and Smith. And quite honestly, it is one of my favorite things to do. Her patience is mind boggling. And I am sure of the fact that those kiddos will grow up knowing that the love that their mom has for them is unshakable. 

We have developed a stronger relationship over the past few years. A relationship that I'm sure will only grow stronger over time. And it is, (dare I say), one of my favorite friendships in my life. 

I could go on and on about the things that she has done for me. Or I could say this.

I have a sister. But even better than that, I have a sister like Jennie. 

Here's to a lifetime of comic relief, nights filled with dramatic episodes of the bachelor, and plenty of PF Chang's takeout. I can't wait.
Happy Birthday, Jennie!
30 looks great on you. 
I love you. 

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Where I Stand

Hey there! It has been entirely too long since we talked last. But I am to blame for that. I have been so consumed by the excitement of this new chapter that I have whole-heartedly thrown myself into. That is, a chapter that has already shown itself capable of making me happier than I could ever imagine.

Graduation was liberating.

Besides the feeling of accomplishment in regards to academics, there were so many areas in my life that I was able to release from my grasp. Most of which had a demise that was long overdue. Nowadays, one could not find a single collared shirt in my closet if they tried. My green and white student ID has found its home in a box of items that I will piddle through years from now and swear that my "awkward stage" was worse than any other. And as awful as this sounds, the relationships in my life that were connected only through my class schedule have disintegrated to almost nothing. Surprisingly, that does not bother me. After attending my college orientation, it is now very evident that my view of the world according to my small seaside town is only a miniscule preview for what is to come.

I stand in the middle ground between childhood and a series of exhilarating events that will soon begin to define the type of person I will become. From this point on, some of the relationships that I create will be those that will last a lifetime. I will commence a repertoire of my life lessons that I will preach to my own children in a matter of time. The uncertainty of the rest of my life is so very enticing.

Extreme Makeover : Blog Edition

I have spent the majority of my day giving this blog a much needed face lift. Besides the fact that it has been a bit of a ghost town as far as my thoughts are concerned, not much has changed since I created it in April of 2013. I am finally starting to get a hang of this stuff. There are a handful of noticeable differences. I'll explain.


dis.tinc.tions - a difference that sets someone or something apart from other

Simply because the word "home" was not exciting enough. And because my thoughts and the things I share with you are what set me apart from the other 7 billion people on this planet. 


I read that blog readers want to know who you are. What a concept. Although I feel as though I give a pretty good insight as to who I am through my writing, there are just some things that you should know in order to understand why I am the way I am. 


For as long as I can remember, music has been a constant in my life. Because I was raised with an exceptional compass as to what was good and what was bad, (Sting is good, Britney spears is bad), I am positive that my iTunes library is gold. And since I am sharing almost every other aspect of my life with you, why not add this one into the mix.  

P.S.- There is a compilation of my favorite songs that plays as soon as you open my blog. These will change, so write them down! The song titles can be found at the top of the page. Enjoy!


wan.der.lust - a strong desire to travel

The title is self explanatory. I felt as though this was appropriate and much needed seeing that I have many stories to tell. Although I wish I could write about travel and only that, there are so many other exciting things happening around/to me that I must share. So on the days when your itch to travel is stronger than ever, maybe this will help a little. See where I have been, and where I have yet to go.

There are more of these tabs to come so be sure to check later! Suggestions are very welcomed. :) 


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